- Introduction
- Demographics
- Patient Dynamics
- Competitor Analysis
- PL Coverage
- Dicsussion
The survey contains approxiamately 30 questions, including single choices, multiple choices and likert scale questions. Each question require a response. The survey is made up of screener, referrals, providers, reps and demographics. The purpose of this survey and the followup analysis is to get a better idea about how CVR performs in the industry and against its major competitors and help to make more effective strategies in terms of marketing, sales and operation.
Question 2: What’s your primary specialty?
By Operation System
By Devices
By Browser
Distribution of Respondents by states
Q4: Please select which of the following conditions
you currently treat
Venous Insufficiency
Q32:Approximately what proportion of your total patients
would you say have a venous insufficiency condition?
Question 7A: Please select up to two of the following ways that the medical community might become better informed about treatment options for venous insufficiency that you think would be most effective.
Question 7B: Please select up to two of the following ways that the patient might become better informed about treatment options for venous insufficiency that you think would be most effective.
Question17: How important to you are the following when deciding to whom or where to refer your patients with venous insufficiency for treatment?
Question 24: How familiar are you with the following venous insufficiency treatment centers?
How did you become familiar with these centers?
Question 25: How satisfied are you with your experiences referring your venous insufficiency patients to these centers?
Question 26: For the treatment centers with which you are familiar, which ones have venous insufficiency reps that visit you?
Question 27: How frequently do venous insufficiency reps from each of the following facilities visit you?
Question 29: How well do each of the following attributes describe the most effective venous insufficiency reps that you interact with?