Country Profiling Using PCA and Clustering


The data from this analysis is from kaggle Unsupervised Learning on Country Data, which contains socio-economic and health related factors of 167 countries over the world. The goal of the project is to categorise the countries using socio-economic and health factors that determine the overall development of the country.

The variables provided in the dataset include socio-economic factors such as export, import and GDP of a country, as well as heath-related factors such as child mortality rate, life expectancy and health spend % of a country. The data is relatively well formatted and unlablled. Due to the nature of the dataset, the analysis will use a combinatino of Unsupervised Machine Learning techniques such as kmeans clustering and Dimensionality Reduction techniques such as Principal Component Analysis. We'll also perform outlier analysis and scalling the data to provide a more accurate clustering result.

Loading data and libraries

The analysis starts with loading data and necessary library.

In [1]:
# Load necessary library
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import metrics

import warnings
%matplotlib inline

# set default plot size
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,8)
In [2]:
# Load and preview data 
country = pd.read_csv("/Users/leo/Personal/GitHub/Unsupervised_Learning_Country_Clustering/Country-data.csv")

# print(country.shape)
country child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp
0 Afghanistan 90.2 10.0 7.58 44.9 1610 9.44 56.2 5.82 553
1 Albania 16.6 28.0 6.55 48.6 9930 4.49 76.3 1.65 4090
2 Algeria 27.3 38.4 4.17 31.4 12900 16.10 76.5 2.89 4460
3 Angola 119.0 62.3 2.85 42.9 5900 22.40 60.1 6.16 3530
4 Antigua and Barbuda 10.3 45.5 6.03 58.9 19100 1.44 76.8 2.13 12200

Exploratory Data Analysis

After the data being loaded, we can see that there are a total of 167 countries and 9 features/factors in the dataset. Using describe() to provide a descriptive statistics, we can see that some of the variables such as GDP and income have some extreme values.

In [3]:
# Summary Statistics
child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp
count 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000 167.000000
mean 38.270060 41.108976 6.815689 46.890215 17144.688623 7.781832 70.555689 2.947964 12964.155689
std 40.328931 27.412010 2.746837 24.209589 19278.067698 10.570704 8.893172 1.513848 18328.704809
min 2.600000 0.109000 1.810000 0.065900 609.000000 -4.210000 32.100000 1.150000 231.000000
25% 8.250000 23.800000 4.920000 30.200000 3355.000000 1.810000 65.300000 1.795000 1330.000000
50% 19.300000 35.000000 6.320000 43.300000 9960.000000 5.390000 73.100000 2.410000 4660.000000
75% 62.100000 51.350000 8.600000 58.750000 22800.000000 10.750000 76.800000 3.880000 14050.000000
max 208.000000 200.000000 17.900000 174.000000 125000.000000 104.000000 82.800000 7.490000 105000.000000
In [4]:
# Check each column for nas
country       0
child_mort    0
exports       0
health        0
imports       0
income        0
inflation     0
life_expec    0
total_fer     0
gdpp          0
dtype: int64

By plotting a spirplot, we can get a better understanding of how the data are distributed. We can also see that some of the variables have strong linear or non-linear correlations between each other. To further explore them, we'll use corr() function to generate a correlation matrix.

In [5]:
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7fa55ed9be50>
In [6]:
country_cor = country.drop('country',axis=1).corr()
child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp
child_mort 1.000000 -0.318093 -0.200402 -0.127211 -0.524315 0.288276 -0.886676 0.848478 -0.483032
exports -0.318093 1.000000 -0.114408 0.737381 0.516784 -0.107294 0.316313 -0.320011 0.418725
health -0.200402 -0.114408 1.000000 0.095717 0.129579 -0.255376 0.210692 -0.196674 0.345966
imports -0.127211 0.737381 0.095717 1.000000 0.122406 -0.246994 0.054391 -0.159048 0.115498
income -0.524315 0.516784 0.129579 0.122406 1.000000 -0.147756 0.611962 -0.501840 0.895571
inflation 0.288276 -0.107294 -0.255376 -0.246994 -0.147756 1.000000 -0.239705 0.316921 -0.221631
life_expec -0.886676 0.316313 0.210692 0.054391 0.611962 -0.239705 1.000000 -0.760875 0.600089
total_fer 0.848478 -0.320011 -0.196674 -0.159048 -0.501840 0.316921 -0.760875 1.000000 -0.454910
gdpp -0.483032 0.418725 0.345966 0.115498 0.895571 -0.221631 0.600089 -0.454910 1.000000
In [7]:
# Generate a mask for the upper triangle
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(country_cor, dtype=np.bool))

# Set up the matplotlib figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))

# Generate a custom diverging colormap
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)

# Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
sns.heatmap(country_cor, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmax=.3, center=0,
            square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5},annot = True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa5617b3510>

The heat map above shows that some of the variables are strongly correlated. For example:

  • income and GDP per capita
  • child mortality rate and life expectancy
  • imports and exports

To address and minimize the extreme value issues, we need to perform some kind of scalling to the dataset. One of the most commen method is the MinMaxScaler(). We'll store the scalled dataset to a new dataframe called country_scale_df

In [8]:
# scale the data
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
country_scale = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(country.drop('country',axis=1))
country_scale_df = pd.DataFrame(data = country_scale,
country_scale_df['country'] = country['country']
child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp country
0 0.426485 0.049482 0.358608 0.257765 0.008047 0.126144 0.475345 0.736593 0.003073 Afghanistan
1 0.068160 0.139531 0.294593 0.279037 0.074933 0.080399 0.871795 0.078864 0.036833 Albania
2 0.120253 0.191559 0.146675 0.180149 0.098809 0.187691 0.875740 0.274448 0.040365 Algeria
3 0.566699 0.311125 0.064636 0.246266 0.042535 0.245911 0.552268 0.790221 0.031488 Angola
4 0.037488 0.227079 0.262275 0.338255 0.148652 0.052213 0.881657 0.154574 0.114242 Antigua and Barbuda

Principal Component Analysis

Pricipal Component Analysis (PCA) is a Dimensionality Reduction technique usually used in large datasets with multiple dimensions, by transforming a large set of variables into a smaller one that still contains most of the information in the original dataset.

We start the PCA by starting an instance of it using PCA() and fit it with the scaled country data. The optimal number of Principal compenent are chosen by picking the minimum number of components that demonstrates the highest amount of variance.

After plotting the the cumulative summation of the explained variance with the number of Principal components, we can see that the optimal number of Principal Components are 5. Compared with the original dataset which have 9 dimensions, PCA have reduced the dimension to 5 and still able to explain over 95% of the variance of the dataset.

In [9]:
# pass through the scaled data set into our PCA class object
pca = PCA().fit(country_scale)

# plot the Cumulative Summation of the Explained Variance

# define the labels & title
plt.xlabel('Number of Components', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel('Variance (%)', fontsize = 15) 
plt.title('Explained Variance', fontsize = 20)

# show the plot

We then use 5 as n_component parameter and save the PCA dataset into a new object called country_pca, this dataset will be used to preform the final clustering.

In [10]:
# we will choose 5 pca components and create a new dataset

country_pca = PCA(n_components=5).fit(country_scale).transform(country_scale)

# store it in a new data frame
country_pca= pd.DataFrame(data = country_pca, columns = ['principal component 1', 'principal component 2',
                                                        'principal component 3','principal component 4',
                                                        'principal component 5'])
# country_pca['country'] = country['country']

principal component 1 principal component 2 principal component 3 principal component 4 principal component 5
0 -0.599078 0.095490 0.157554 -0.024333 -0.045618
1 0.158474 -0.212092 -0.064189 -0.061247 0.014191
2 0.003686 -0.135867 -0.134182 0.133574 -0.091150
3 -0.650235 0.275975 -0.142672 0.156018 -0.081997
4 0.200711 -0.064662 -0.100715 -0.037902 -0.035799
In [11]:
country_pca_cor = country_pca.corr()

# Generate a mask for the upper triangle
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(country_pca_cor, dtype=np.bool))

# Set up the matplotlib figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))

# Generate a custom diverging colormap
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)

# Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
sns.heatmap(country_pca_cor, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmax=.3, center=0,
            square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5},annot = True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa5449ded10>

Kmeans Clustering

Kmeans clustering is one of the most commenly used clustering algorithm due to its easy inplementation. The only parameter we need to define for Kmeans clustering is the number of K.

There are many different methods to define the optimal number of k, the most commenly used one is called the elbow method. Below is how to read the elbow plot from Elbow Method for defining the optimal K

To determine the optimal number of clusters, we have to select the value of k at the “elbow” ie the point after which the distortion/inertia start decreasing in a linear fashion. Thus for the given data, we conclude that the optimal number of clusters for the data is 3.

The metric for sklearn Kmeans distortion/inertia is stored in inertia_ variable and we'd like to try multiple k values to see how the inertia changes for different k value.

In [12]:
# define a dictionary that contains all of our relevant info.
results = []

# define how many clusters we want to test up to.
num_of_clusters = 10

# run through each instance of K
for k in range(2, num_of_clusters):
    # create an instance of the model, and fit the training data to it.
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(country_pca)
    # store the different metrics
#     results_dict_pca[k]['silhouette_score'] = sil_score
#     results_dict_pca[k]['inertia'] = kmeans.inertia_
#     results_dict_pca[k]['score'] = kmeans.score
#     results_dict_pca[k]['model'] = kmeans
    # print the results    
    print("Number of Clusters: {}".format(k),kmeans.inertia_)
Number of Clusters: 2 23.470576526054646
Number of Clusters: 3 16.883151711020606
Number of Clusters: 4 14.337590232281652
Number of Clusters: 5 12.601899387317541
Number of Clusters: 6 11.382314369663833
Number of Clusters: 7 10.532291426965784
Number of Clusters: 8 9.169882734609471
Number of Clusters: 9 8.478515674426024

Then we plot the Elbow Method for optimal k, we can see that the optimal k value will be 3.

In [13]:
plt.plot(range(2, num_of_clusters), results, 'bx-')
plt.title('Elbow Method For Optimal k')

Another good way to determine the optimal k is called Silhouette analysis, It can be used to study the separation distance between the resulting clusters. The silhouette plot displays a measure of how close each point in one cluster is to points in the neighboring clusters and thus provides a way to assess parameters like the number of clusters visually. This measure has a range of (-1, 1).

Silhouette coefficients (as these values are referred to as) near +1 indicate that the sample is far away from the neighboring clusters. A value of 0 indicates that the sample is on or very close to the decision boundary between two neighboring clusters and negative values indicate that those samples might have been assigned to the wrong cluster.

With the help of yellowbrick package, we can use SilhouetteVisualizer() to visualized the Silhouette score for different k. What we are looking for is that each cluster exceeds the red line or the average silhouette score and that the clusters are as evenly distributed as possible. We are only going to focus on k = 2, k = 3 and k = 4 since based on the elbow method, these are the possible choices.

We can see that although for all k, each cluster are above the red line, but only when k = 3 provides a more evenly distributed cluters, so both methods indicate that we should choose k = 3 for out Kmeans clustering.

In [14]:
# From the graph above, it indicates that we should choose k = 3

from yellowbrick.cluster import SilhouetteVisualizer

clusters = [2,3,4]

for cluster in clusters:

    # define the model for K
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = cluster, random_state=0)

    # pass the model through the visualizer
    visualizer = SilhouetteVisualizer(kmeans)

    # fit the data

    # show the chart

# the silhouette plot also shows that the optimal k is 3

The last step is to apply the kmeans clustering to the data and get the lables of which cluster each country falls into.

In [15]:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0).fit(country_pca)
country['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
country child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp cluster
0 Afghanistan 90.2 10.0 7.58 44.9 1610 9.44 56.2 5.82 553 0
1 Albania 16.6 28.0 6.55 48.6 9930 4.49 76.3 1.65 4090 2
2 Algeria 27.3 38.4 4.17 31.4 12900 16.10 76.5 2.89 4460 2
3 Angola 119.0 62.3 2.85 42.9 5900 22.40 60.1 6.16 3530 0
4 Antigua and Barbuda 10.3 45.5 6.03 58.9 19100 1.44 76.8 2.13 12200 2

Print out the country in each cluster

Cluster 1

In [16]:
country[country['cluster'] == 0][:10]
country child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp cluster
0 Afghanistan 90.2 10.00 7.58 44.9 1610 9.440 56.2 5.82 553 0
3 Angola 119.0 62.30 2.85 42.9 5900 22.400 60.1 6.16 3530 0
17 Benin 111.0 23.80 4.10 37.2 1820 0.885 61.8 5.36 758 0
25 Burkina Faso 116.0 19.20 6.74 29.6 1430 6.810 57.9 5.87 575 0
26 Burundi 93.6 8.92 11.60 39.2 764 12.300 57.7 6.26 231 0
28 Cameroon 108.0 22.20 5.13 27.0 2660 1.910 57.3 5.11 1310 0
31 Central African Republic 149.0 11.80 3.98 26.5 888 2.010 47.5 5.21 446 0
32 Chad 150.0 36.80 4.53 43.5 1930 6.390 56.5 6.59 897 0
36 Comoros 88.2 16.50 4.51 51.7 1410 3.870 65.9 4.75 769 0
37 Congo, Dem. Rep. 116.0 41.10 7.91 49.6 609 20.800 57.5 6.54 334 0

Cluster 2

In [17]:
country[country['cluster'] == 1][:10]
country child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp cluster
7 Australia 4.8 19.8 8.73 20.9 41400 1.160 82.0 1.93 51900 1
8 Austria 4.3 51.3 11.00 47.8 43200 0.873 80.5 1.44 46900 1
15 Belgium 4.5 76.4 10.70 74.7 41100 1.880 80.0 1.86 44400 1
23 Brunei 10.5 67.4 2.84 28.0 80600 16.700 77.1 1.84 35300 1
29 Canada 5.6 29.1 11.30 31.0 40700 2.870 81.3 1.63 47400 1
42 Cyprus 3.6 50.2 5.97 57.5 33900 2.010 79.9 1.42 30800 1
43 Czech Republic 3.4 66.0 7.88 62.9 28300 -1.430 77.5 1.51 19800 1
44 Denmark 4.1 50.5 11.40 43.6 44000 3.220 79.5 1.87 58000 1
53 Finland 3.0 38.7 8.95 37.4 39800 0.351 80.0 1.87 46200 1
54 France 4.2 26.8 11.90 28.1 36900 1.050 81.4 2.03 40600 1

Cluster 3

In [18]:
country[country['cluster'] == 2][:10]
country child_mort exports health imports income inflation life_expec total_fer gdpp cluster
1 Albania 16.6 28.0 6.55 48.6 9930 4.490 76.3 1.65 4090 2
2 Algeria 27.3 38.4 4.17 31.4 12900 16.100 76.5 2.89 4460 2
4 Antigua and Barbuda 10.3 45.5 6.03 58.9 19100 1.440 76.8 2.13 12200 2
5 Argentina 14.5 18.9 8.10 16.0 18700 20.900 75.8 2.37 10300 2
6 Armenia 18.1 20.8 4.40 45.3 6700 7.770 73.3 1.69 3220 2
9 Azerbaijan 39.2 54.3 5.88 20.7 16000 13.800 69.1 1.92 5840 2
10 Bahamas 13.8 35.0 7.89 43.7 22900 -0.393 73.8 1.86 28000 2
11 Bahrain 8.6 69.5 4.97 50.9 41100 7.440 76.0 2.16 20700 2
12 Bangladesh 49.4 16.0 3.52 21.8 2440 7.140 70.4 2.33 758 2
13 Barbados 14.2 39.5 7.97 48.7 15300 0.321 76.7 1.78 16000 2

By looking at the output of the countries in each cluster, combined with our knowledge on some of the countries. We can see that:

  • Cluster 1 are those less developed countries, most of which are in Africa
  • Cluster 2 are those developed countries, most of which are in Europe, North America and some part of Asia
  • Cluster 3 are thoe developing countries, most of whic are in South America and Asia